Learn advanced techniques that will make a decent plot dynamic. Start with a “grab you by the throat” opening, pack the plot full, maximize your pacing, and use cliffhanger chapter endings to drive the story forward.


Chris Eboch

  • 8 chapters
  • 21 lessons

Course Details

Many books and workshops teach the basics of plotting: conflict, complications, and climax. Now learn advanced techniques that will make a decent plot dynamic. Understand the promise of your first chapter. Then start with a “grab you by the throat” opening. Once you’ve caught the reader’s attention, you’ll want to pack the plot full. But how do you make sure you’ve done that? Check out these tools to analyze your plot. Once your plot is strong, learn techniques to maximize your pacing, including cliffhanger chapter endings to drive the story forward. Learn techniques to make any story or book better. Novelists will benefit from these insights, whether you are just starting out or have years of experience. Many techniques work for memoires, nonfiction, and even picture books too!
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Chris Eboch is the author of over 100 books for children and 23 novels for adults written as Kris Bock. Chris has led dozens of popular writing workshops around the world. Students say:
“This class has been one of the good ones. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and the sheer amount of knowledge you possess is fantastic. Your advice was always spot on. The links to various articles and blogs was and will continue to be extremely useful.” ~ Nancy P.
“I now catch myself recognizing cliffhangers and secondary-characters-as-villains while I read.  More importantly, your information was helpful to my own work. Thanks again for such a great workshop.” ~ Linda R.
“You gave us very specific things we could incorporate into our own work.” ~ Pamela H.
“Your workshop was the one I got the most useful information from. It was quite informative and introduced me to several trains of thought that were new to me.” ~ Donna B.

Course content

  • $100 / One time


  • 6 Assignments